There are many great sites on the World Wide Web, but trying to find those great sites can be a frustrating experience. We have compiled a list of Websites that we have found to be helpful sources of information. When you click on a link, a new window will pop up. Close the window when you are ready to return to this page.
Chartered Professional Accountants - Canada
The CPA conducts research into current business issues and supports the setting of accounting, auditing and assurance standards for business, not-for-profit organizations and government. It issues guidance on control and governance, publishes professional literature, develops continuing education programs and represents the CA profession nationally and internationally.
Chartered Professional Accountants - Alberta
CPA Alberta is the professional organization for more than 28,500 Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) across the province. The CPA designation is the Canadian business and accounting designation representing more than 200,000 professional accountants across the country.
Sage Accounting software is the full-featured, entry-level accounting solution for small businesses requiring quick setup, ease-of-use, and payroll functionality.
QuickBooks software helps you manage your business finances quickly, easily & accurately - with familiar forms and step-by-step guidance when you need it.
The federal Department of Finance is responsible for the development of federal fiscal policy, including laws affecting federal taxes, financial institutions and markets, and federal-provincial transfer payments.
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Audit Insurance
Accountancy Insurance was established in 2003 specializing in Audit Shield – a comprehensive offering which covers the professional fees incurred as a result of an official audit, enquiry, investigation or review of a filed return instigated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and other relevant government revenue agencies. Today more than 3000 accounting firms in Commonwealth countries enjoy the benefits of Audit Shield.